Strategist Exalted Plate♂

Type: Arden

Part of Complete set "Strategist Exalted Set♂"


Defense +798

Requires 5

Required Level: 150

Gender: Male

Price: 5 G / 100 G

Health +378

Stun RES +43

Paralyze RES +39

Stacked: 1



1: +20

2: +47

3: +83

4: +128

5: +187

6: +261

7: +354

8: +466

9: +600

10: +760

11: +949

12: +1169

13: +1425

14: +1718

15: +2054

16: +2436

17: +2867

18: +3352

19: +3886

20: +4472

Item can be crafted
Recipe Materials

[150]Strategist Exalted Plate♂

Level: 10

Moonlit Plate♂ Moonlit Plate♂

Yasho Ashes Yasho Ashes

Doomsday Silk Doomsday Silk