Making snowman


Join the activity of making snowman. It will improve your EXP.



Inspiration Inspiration


Tanis Ka

"Sunstream" 161 146(164)

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: 250+

Can't be found from search

Quests in chain:

Starting Quest Talk:

You look awfully well. I got some Golden Herbal Orbs recently, which is really helpful for improving EXP. I'd like to give them to the lucky man though they are priceless. The snowflakes will flying when Messenger of Snow appears. The Eera Snow Crystal and Olden Icy Crystal are involved in the snowflakes. If you get one of them, I'd like to make a deal. Well, don't miss the chance.
- I have Eera Snow Crystal. (Start New Quest)
- I have Olden Icy Crystal. (Start New Quest)
- Maybe next time. (End dialog)