Ask Tanis Ka


Go to ask Tanis Ka.


Gives special title


Talisman of Craft Talisman of Craft - 10

Award NPC

Tanis Ka

"Sunstream" 161 146(164)

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: Any

Can't be redone


Finishing Quest:

You look so angry, did you get the Celestial Weapon?
- You cheater! What kind of celestial weapon is this?
So, let me ask you, what did I give you?
- The LV135 Celestial Weapon Pack.
Are there weapons in it?
- Yes.
60 + 75 = 135, right?
- All right.
Are they celestial?
- All right.
Are they usable?
- Yes.
Weapon, LV135, celestial, and usable, how did I cheat you?
- You...(End quest)