

Tanis Ka changed the stars against Heaven's wishes and if he is found out, he will be in trouble. Tanis Ka must be asking his immortal friends to help him escape the trouble.


Exp: 4500000


Tanis Ka

"Sunstream" 161 146(164)

Require quests

A Risk Quest

Quest Stats

Level: 105+

Can't be redone

Quests in chain:

Starting Quest Talk:

I acted against the rule of god. I hope I will be able to bear the punishment.
- Don't worry. We're all trying to find a way to help you.
I've also been trying to think of a way out, but I don't know if anything will work.
- I will try anything. Just tell me.
In the Southern Border there is a Demon Suppression Cave in which lies Broken Serpent Teeth, a mirror the gods use to look into the world. I hope you can quickly find it before the gods find out.
- I will go now. (Start Quest)