Master's Favor


Draw the attention of the monsters guarding the treasures, so your apprentice can sneak in and grab it for Tao Danush. Protect your apprentice through any difficulties and report back to Tao Danush. (You need to have at least one inventory slot open in order to acquire the treasure.)

Item: Instruction Bloom Instruction Bloom  (All items in inventory)


Award will be calculated depending on amount of taken items


Inspiration Inspiration

Taichi Pill Taichi Pill - 10

After failing quest

Award will be calculated depending on amount of taken items


Tao Danush

"Sunstream" 167 111(167)

Time interval


Require quests

Start quests

Expertise Training (Max level: 150)

Quest Stats

Level: Any

Can't be found from search

Fail as player go offline

Fails for all players

'Master-Apprentice' quest


Starting Quest Talk:

Oh my! Don't you look strapping. You carry yourself with the grim confidence of an accomplished warrior, while being really quite attractive to boot!
- What...?
Truth be told, I have a favor to ask of you. Though I've been reduced to painting in order to survive, I was at one time, in point of fact, a Jadeon disciple! Unfortunately, I angered my master on a number of occasions, repeatedly indulging myself in activities that polite society might ordinarily find...distasteful. You understand, I'm sure. Well, after having to speak to the town guard on my behalf more than a few times, he finally banished me, commanding me never to return. The thing is, I've been dreaming of going back, day and night, for years... Please, good champion, I beg of you, aid me in turning this dream into reality!
- Egh... I suppose I have nothing better to do at the moment.
Oh, thank you, mighty warrior! My master is fond of all kinds of unique trinkets and doo-dads. If you could find some and bring them to him in my name, I'm sure he would be overcome with such joy that he would have no choice BUT to take me back! That's just logic. Please do help me. Look, I've already listed some places to start looking here, and had this lot-can specially designed for you. Just have your apprentice draw lots from it and you'll be on your way. Some of these will be quite difficult to obtain, however, and I wouldn't want you losing your life on my account, so please do search for these with your apprentice in tow. That way, he or she can come to me immediately, should anything unfortunate befall you.
- Thank you for everything.(Start Quest)
- Refuse (End dialog)

Finishing Quest:

I must have quite an apprentice! I'm impressed! Thanks to your student, I can now finally return to my own master. Master will HAVE to welcome me back into Jadeon now! Thank you! I will never, ever forget the help that you and your student have given me.
- I understand.(End quest)