Chapter 1: Another Circle


Tanis Ka mentioned something about Shaw Danon. You should ask him for more details.



Taichi Pill Taichi Pill - 15

Inspiration Inspiration


Tanis Ka

"Sunstream" 161 146(164)

Require quests

Destined Nirvana

Quest Stats

Level: Any

Mandatory quest

Can't be found from search

Can't be redone

Quests in chain:

Starting Quest Talk:

Don't panic. The monsters are rampaging because of a single person, one that you know well.
- I believe I know who you mean. Him?
Yes, that's who it is. He has been suffering from violent impulses originating from within himself. He is a strong person, and I do not doubt that if it was someone else, they would have already died from the force.
- But is he not wise and strong-willed?
Normally, he wouldn't be corrupted by the forces of violence within him. However, even though he knows this, he has become increasingly disturbed in his thoughts. Moreover, he is exhausting himself in his drive to learn from the Five Tomes, making it easier for the forces of violence to eat at him. This is not good.
- What? What has disturbed him?
What do you think would disturb him so?
- Is it...(Start Quest)