Fortold Love


Speak with Tanis Ka.


Exp: 867680


Tanis Ka

"Sunstream" 161 146(164)

Require quests

Magical Well II

Quest Stats

Level: 222

Mandatory quest

Can't be canceled

Can't be redone

Quests in chain:

Starting Quest Talk:

There was indeed a Lunar Well. That day when Shaw Danon and the others chased after the fox monster, Tonni and I both looked into the well. As for what Shaw Danon saw in the well, only he himself knows.
- Who do you think he saw in the well? Anan, Bilu or Hidi?
How am I supposed to know? Although I can foretell the future, how can I guess what's on his mind? Why don't you go to ask Shaw Danon directly?
- If I knew where he was, I wouldn't bother asking you.
Hey, I'm not belittling you, &name&. But if you rely only on your present power, Shaw Danon will crush you easily if you ask him the wrong question. Do you plan on bringing him to Jadeon to interrogate him? You should talk to Issa. He knows more about Shaw Danon's affairs with these girls. It might be safer for you to ask him who Shaw Danon loves most.
- Accept. (Start Quest)