The Future


Talk to the elder.


Exp: 206860


Merit Incense Merit Incense - 15

Bundled Rough Yellow Pill Bundled Rough Yellow Pill - 2

Award NPC

Guli the Senior

"Divine Realm" 256 -447(376)

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: Any

Also fail parent quest

Quests in chain:

Parent Quest: The Ceremony

Next: Konwu King

Prev: Skysong Temple


Finishing Quest:

Since you were preparing for the final test, I haven't told you this yet. Recently, the Royal City has appeared above the top of the Kunlun Mountains. I don't know if the humans can accept this fact or not. I am afraid that our old grudges will soon flare into a new war.
- Elder! What can I do to help?
You are now considered an adult. It is time for you to follow our traditions and travel the world. I need you to go to Skysong in the mortal world first. Try to learn about their world so that one day you will be able to help us communicate with the humans.
- Okay.
Meanwhile, I know you want to hear more stories about Shaw Danon. There is a person who knows him. His name is Fazzan. You can visit him. But I'd introduce myself to the guards first, if I were you. There's no telling how the humans will react to an Athan suddenly dropping in for a visit. Heh heh..."dropping in"...
- ...Okay. (What's so funny about that?)(End quest)