


Vitalization Vitalization


Tanis Ka

"Sunstream" 161 146(164)

Require quests

Pigeon Messenger

Quest Stats

Level: 120+

Mandatory quest

Can't be redone


Starting Quest Talk:

You must have come here looking for information on Vitalization.
- You are right.
In ancient times, man was an integral part of nature. The gap between man and nature was insignificant, making enlightenment easy to obtain for all people. Do you know why it's become so difficult in modern times?
- I've heard stories, but I'd like to know the truth.
Heaven and Earth were torn asunder during the war between the humans and the Athans. The gods created barriers to protect the Heavens from the violent creatures of Earth. These spiritual barriers also made it much more difficult to achieve enlightenment.
- So man's violent nature caused this disaster...
Indeed, but I understand now that the barriers have been weakened and there may still be a chance to reunify these lands. You've walked the path of enlightenment for many years, and we are old friends, so I feel I should help you.
- Friends is such a strong word...
Nonsense! Dragon Mountain is once again accessible and seekers of enlightenment are currently flocking there in great numbers. If you've already been, then you know how infused that place is with spirit energy and mystical essence. These forces will guide you along your path to enlightenment.
- So how can I make use of the forces found on Dragon Mountain?
There are three heralds of Heaven. After they offended the gods, they were stationed upon Dragon Mountain to guard the barriers of Heaven. If you were to defeat them, it would be much easier to reach true enlightenment - not to mention all the praise you'd receive from your fellows!
- Then I guess I better get started.
You should be warned, however, that the three heralds are not to be taken lightly. Don't be foolish enough to believe you could defeat them on your own. My advice is to go in a group.
- I need to gather my allies.
Tell me when you are ready and I will send you to Dragon Mountain.
- Many thanks.(Start Quest)