

Prepare 1 Merit Incense as the sacrifice.

Item: Merit Incense Merit Incense  Amount:1

Harvest from: Ether Stone



Sacrifice Sacrifice

Award NPC

Wango Yinh

"Billows" 219 409(64)

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: Any

Finish chain

Also fail parent quest

Quests in chain:

Parent Quest: Sacrifice

Next: Sacrifice

Prev: Sacrifice


Finishing Quest:

Go to collect some Provisions as sacrifices, and then I'll write an eulogy for you.
- Thanks a lot. I'll go now.
Why are you still here? Have you prepared the sacrifice?
- I happen to have the thing you said. The Eulogy...
Oh, it's easy. I already have it. Here, have a look at it. "Loyal and famous heroes, you're respectable and lovely, clever and wise. You are all talents, what a pity you're dead. Oh, I'm too sad!"
- The, eulogy, uh...
What's wrong? You're not satisfied with the eulogy?
- No, no. Thanks for your article. I'll leave now.(End quest)