Old Friend


Puhan decided to resign after Shaw wakes up. You should visit Tanis Ka, another aged wise man, and tell him what happened.

Award NPC

Tanis Ka

"Sunstream" 161 146(164)

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: Any

Also fail parent quest

Quests in chain:

Parent Quest: Love Story

Next: Deliver a Message

Prev: Tonni


Finishing Quest:

Do you want a divination, kid? (An old man stands in front of you. He looks wise.)
- I am here with a message from Puhan.
(You tell Tanis Ka everything.) Some people don't agree with what he did, but every man has something they can't forget. Bilu died to save Shaw. It's natural that he can't forget her.
- If only Shaw Danon had left Jadeon for Bilu earlier.
You can't change the past, and you don't need to bother yourself.
- Alas...(End quest)