Southern Land


Find Tanis Ka and ask him about the origin of mysterious Merman.

Award NPC

Tanis Ka

"Sunstream" 161 146(164)

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: Any

Also fail parent quest

Quests in chain:

Parent Quest: Southern Mystery

Next: Gilhook

Prev: Chasing Demons


Finishing Quest:

The evil creature is a Merman. They have a fish head and a human body from birth. According to legend, they are descended from an ancient fish deity and a female human. They are cruel and violent creatures. They believe that they must chop up the corpse after killing a creature, no matter what it is, for it is their belief that it can kill the victim's soul. Therefore, the creatures killed by them can't even remain as a whole corpse.
- Why haven't I heard about such an evil tribe before?
You came from the Central Plains, so it's natural that you know little about this savage tribe. The Southern Border is a remote place and tribes there are pretty brutal. But they, including the Wulor, get used to living in their region, and few people know their existence.
- How much do you know about Wulor?
I know little. The only thing I'm sure about is that Mermen and Wulor live in the deep mountains. If you trace the clues of the Merman and investigate, maybe you can find the Wulor tribe.
- Thanks! Now I know what I should do.(End quest)