Specter of the Past


Recently a strange creature was seen in area of the Grasstemple Ruins. Tanis Ka would like you to investigate.


Exp: 1750


LV15 Chest (+5 Boots) LV15 Chest (+5 Boots)


Tanis Ka

"Sunstream" 161 146(164)

Require quests


Quest Stats

Level: 10+

Can't be redone

Quests in chain:

Starting Quest Talk:

This is strange indeed!
- What's the matter?
Recently, during the local holy
days, many people from
Sunstream City went to the
Grasstemple Ruins to mourn
the loss of so many innocents.
However, a strange figure was
spotted lurking there.
- Who was it?
I'm not too clear on the details. Go
ask Craftsman Tamasi. She just
came back from there.
- Thank you for everything.(Start Quest)
- Actually, I can't right now. (End dialog)