Devoted Girl


Balun asked you to kill some Maiden Cutthroats at Surging Stockade.

Kill: Maiden Cutthroat (53)  Amount:50

Award NPC


"Billows" 385 -61(64)

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: Any

Also fail parent quest

Quests in chain:

Finishing Quest:

Thanks for your help. Now I can stay here peacefully without being disturbed. Why do you come to see me?
- I want to know if Danzi can draw or not.
Who told you to ask this question? It's, it's impossible.
- Why are you in such a panic? Danzi really can't draw?
That's not important, just tell me who told you to ask this question. It has been two years now since he escaped from here. He still refuses to forgive me?
- What's the matter?
It's a secret nobody else knows. Ten years ago, he passed out in front of our gate, so my cousin kept him to be a servant. But he showed amazing drawing talent here. My cousin is good at appreciating paintings and knows that he will be world-famous one day, so my cousin thought up a sinister idea.
- What bad idea?
He confined him, and locked his shoulder blades with chains to prevent him from escaping. My greedy cousin even employed pirates and killed his whole family so that they wouldn't come to look for their son. From then on, my cousin asked me to look after him.
- That's really, really frightening.
Yes. Gradually, I fell in love with him due to his talents. Two years ago, he took advantage of the Yasho invasion and escaped. I also left my cousin to stay secluded here. Could you help me? I know it is him who asked you to come. That means he hasn't forgotten me. Please go tell him I love him, neither due to sympathy, nor due to my cousin's plot. I love him from my heart.
- All right.(End quest)