Collect Ironclaw


Cha Tonz needs Mandrill's Ironclaws for making poison. Go to Foxhill and kill Ironclaw Mandrills, collect 20 Mandrill's Ironclaws for him.

Item: Mandrill Mandrill's Ironclaw   Amount:20

Drop from: Ironclaw Mandrill (83)  Rate:16.67%


Exp: 390000


Cha Tonz

"Doom Bog" -250 -267(268)

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: 79+

Can't be found from search


Starting Quest Talk:

Cha Tonz needs Mandrill's Ironclaws for making poison. Go to Foxhill and kill Ironclaw Mandrills, collect 20 Mandrill's Ironclaws for him.
- Thank you for everything.(Start Quest)
- Refuse (End dialog)

Finishing Quest:

Yasho are everywhere, I need more poison for defense. I hope you can help me next time.
- I understand.(End quest)