Tactical Strike


Skyhowl Bruinos, Skycracker Leons, and Moonhowl Tigerans are the strongest creatures on One Mountain. Everyone in the Southern Border will be in great danger if these monsters attack us. Tumagu hopes that you can kill them all before this happens.

Kill: Skycracker Leon (113)  Amount:20

Kill: Moonhowl Tigeran (113)  Amount:20

Kill: Skyhowl Bruino (113)  Amount:20



Sunbeam Stone Sunbeam Stone

Taichi Pill Taichi Pill - 2

Inspiration Inspiration


Dispatcher Takil

"Southern Border" 76 27(35)

Award NPC


"Southern Border" 108 11(48)

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: 113 - 116

Can't be found from search


Finishing Quest:

Though you didn't kill all of them, I know you tried your best. It will take them some time to regain their strength. This gives us a chance to plan our next move.
- Please let me know if you need help.(End quest)