Lost Charm


Skylord Nahara lost a charm when she was chased by the Maiden Cutthroats at Abandon Crossing. This charm can help people travel thousands of miles in a day and arrive at the Laguna Collective in a flash. If it's used by those pirates, we will be defenseless. Please take back the charm from the Maiden Cutthroats and give it to Nahara.

Item: Nahara Nahara's Charm   Amount:1

Drop from: Maiden Cutthroat (53)  Rate:10.00%



Violeta Stone Violeta Stone

Taichi Pill Taichi Pill - 2

Inspiration Inspiration


Dispatcher Ningo

"Billows" -238 173(75)

Award NPC

Skylord Nahara

"Billows" -236 207(75)

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: 53 - 56

Can't be found from search


Finishing Quest:

This is it. Luckily, they haven't used it, I am greatly relieved. Thanks a lot.
- I understand.(End quest)