Blood Webspinner's Orb


Blood Webspinners are in the vicinity of Windsong Plateau and they're stronger than other Webspinners. Sometimes when they die, a red bead will be left. The bead seems to be congealed by blood. Someone said it is just the orb of Blood Webspinners. Esper Mystic Lianis wants to get 10 such beads. If you find them, give them to her.

Item: Blood-Red Bead Blood-Red Bead   Amount:10

Drop from: Blood Webspinner (57)  Rate:35.00%



Violeta Stone Violeta Stone

Taichi Pill Taichi Pill - 2

Inspiration Inspiration


Dispatcher Ningo

"Billows" -238 173(75)

Award NPC

Esper Mystic Lianis

"Billows" -210 240(76)

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: 57 - 59

Can't be found from search


Finishing Quest:

You must want to know what this thing actually is. As far as I know, it isn't an orb but it has similar effects as orbs. It should be the blood essence of a Blood Webspinner. I am going to try to see if they can be used to produce some Espers.
- I also doubted how an orb can drop out so easily.(End quest)