Copper Ore

Type: N/A三级代金品

Price: 1 S 20 M / 100 G

Stacked: 50

Grade 4 Provision
A copper ore
Quality Ore
Can be sold to merchants or
donated to major faction representatives.

Award from quest

Exchange Provision (1+) Amount: 50

Used in quests
Name Level Amount Monster/Type
To collect Copper Ore 0 50 required to end quest
To collect Copper Ore 0 50 required to end quest
To collect Copper Ore 0 50 required to end quest
To collect Copper Ore 0 50 required to end quest
Refine Talisman 0 50 required to end quest
To collect Copper Ore 0 50 required to end quest
Collect Copper Ore 0 50 required to end quest
Shared Fortune Class (4) 20+ 50 required to end quest
All Copper Ore 0 0 required to end quest
Donate All of Your Provisions 0 0 required to end quest
Donate All of Your Provisions 0 0 required to end quest
Donate All of Your Provisions 0 0 required to end quest
Donate All of Your Provisions 0 0 required to end quest
Donate All of Your Provisions 0 0 required to end quest
Provisions for your Clan 3-3 0 0 required to end quest
Donate All of Your Provisions 0 0 required to end quest
Donate All of Your Provisions 0 0 required to end quest
Donate All of Your Provisions 0 0 required to end quest
Donate All of Your Provisions 0 0 required to end quest
Donate All of Your Provisions 0 0 required to end quest
Donate All of Your Provisions 0 0 required to end quest
Donate All of Your Provisions 0 0 required to end quest
Copper Ore 0 0 required to end quest
Copper Ore 0 0 required to end quest
Donate All of Your Provisions 0 0 required to end quest
Drop from
# Name Level Map Coordinates HP %
1 Deathmark Gilhook 57 Billows341 406 30640 17.9462
2 Deathmark Gilhook 57 Billows227 376 30640 17.9462
3 Gilhook of Antiquity 59 Billows-354 -344 398650 17.9462
4 Ancient Defender 57 Billows-420 -193 2278 14.7493
5 Blood Webspinner 57 Billows98 -223 2278 14.7493
6 Infested Pincer 49 Billows-425 206 1706 14.7493
7 Ironshell Pincer 49 Billows-395 238 1706 14.7493
8 Maiden Cutthroat 53 Billows320 442 2100 14.7493
9 Mouse King 90 Grasstemple Village-403 190 140000 14.7493
10 n/a草庙村隐藏boss玲珑 90 -- 100000 14.7493
11 N/A触发45级BOSS 45 -- 45960 14.7493
12 Rhinoback Guard 59 Billows-419 -400 22780 14.7493
13 Riptide Cutlass 53 Billows247 384 2100 14.7493
14 Riptide Pirate 57 Billows-141 -287 2278 14.7493
15 Spirit Fox 53 Billows-437 127 1706 14.7493
16 Toxic Webspinner 45 Billows-326 426 1532 14.7493
17 Vile Webspinner 45 Billows-358 434 1532 14.7493
18 Wolf King·Greenhill 90 Grasstemple Village-429 268 170000 14.7493
19 General Clinks 50 Skysong125 347 306400 7
20 Oran Goreclaw 50 Skysong-329 -25 306400 7
21 Sanguine Minister 50 Skysong-294 304 306400 7
22 Yaksha Ranger 155 Billows-147 32 50 6.9444
23 Desolate Soul 150 Sunstream140 13 5000 4.203
24 Ghost of Wilderness 150 Sunstream143 20 6500 4.203
25 Modo 10 -- 2000 3.0612
26 Treasure Hunter 99 -- 100 3.0612
27 Enchanting Petalii 150 Sunstream59 104 1500000 2.892
28 Herald of the Haunted 150 Sunstream236 103 2000000 2.892
29 Monku Blobtoad 150 Sunstream142 12 800000 2.892
30 Serpent of Antiquity 150 Sunstream109 143 5000000 2.892
31 Torin Kul 150 -- 1294560 2.0833