Soul Eater


Cynical Dialectician wants to drink. Bring him some Heartwarming Wines from the Maiden Cutthroats.

Gegenstand: Heartwarming Wine Heartwarming Wine   Betrag:20

geworfen von: Mörderische Maid (53)  Rate:65.00%


Exp: 500000

Preis von NPC

Zynischer Dialektiker

"Wogen" 118 2(64)

benötigt Auftrag

Auftrags Statistik

Level: jedes

Auftrag gescheitert


Ursrünglicher Auftrag: Taoism Ask

vorherig: Master Onara


Quest abgeben:

(Cynical Dialectician drinks like a cow) Since you are so eager to know, I'll tell you. It was in the Cave of Fangs, when Shaw Danon fought with us. He used a Poker to drain the third of us. However, the one he killed was the Soul Eater's favourite disciple. When Soul Eater heard about his death, he brought me to revenge for his disciple on Shaw Danon.
- Have you found it?
(Cynical Dialectician stares at you) Who do you think am I? If I want to find someone, I never miss him. So I helped Soul Eater find Shaw Danon. Soul Eater saw his Poker and became more determined to kill him. Just then, an old, fat and short, rushed in and threw Soul Eater away... Later we found out that the old man is Shaw's master...
- Now it sounds fairer. What's the result?
(Cynical Dialectician smiled awkwardly) What else could happen other than that our people came on time and scared those Jadeons away. We won, of course!
- You are bragging!
(Cynical Dialectician shouts angrily) You can ask Onara about it. Then you'll know if I lied to you.
- Stone? What stone?(Quest beenden)