Sincere Apology· Dragon Sigil


From the bottom of our hearts, from the bottom of our souls, we implore you to forgive us, if we may humbly be so bold.



Drachen-Sigillum Drachen-Sigillum binden


Tanis Ka

"Sonnenstrom" 161 146(164)

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Zeit für den Auftrag

00:1 5/6/2014 - 08:0 10/6/2014

Auftrags Statistik

Level: 75+

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Begruessungs Text:

From the bottom of our hearts, from the bottom of our souls, we implore you to forgive us, if we may humbly be so bold. Misfortunes are sometimes a blessing in disguise! Please accept this gleaming golden sigil. Do take it, please. (Please accept this small token of our apology for the many issues that occurred during the update!)
- Thanks a lot(Quest beginnen)