Truth of Full Moon (I)


Bilu can't help asking Shaw Danon who have Shaw Danon seen in the water. Ask Tanis Ka about the secret of the Lunar Well.


Exp: 574650

Récompense PNJ

Tanis Ka

"Sunstream" 161 146(164)

Quêtes requises

Stats de quête

Niveau: n’importe

Quête parent échouée également

Chaine de quête:

Quête relative: Bilu's Death

Suivant: Fire of Revenge

Précédent: Truth of Full Moon (II)


Terminer la quête:

The Lunar Well? In the Billows? (Tanis Ka's eyes begin to glow) I saw hills of treasures through that well.
- .....(Fin de quête)