Sunstream Fortuneteller


You are stopped by a sage-like elder who looks like a fortuneteller.

Récompense PNJ

Tanis Ka

"Sunstream" 161 146(164)

Quêtes requises

Stats de quête

Niveau: n’importe

Quête parent échouée également

Chaine de quête:

Quête relative: Horrid Fumes

Suivant: Sunstream Fortuneteller

Précédent: Sunstream West


Terminer la quête:

Youngster, I can tell from your face that you're out of
luck today. This trip will be a wild goose chase. You'd
better give up and go back now.
- Are you a fortuneteller?
(The elder flicks his sleeves haughtily.) Yes. I have never made a mistake in my predictions.
- Sorry. I don't believe in fate!(Fin de quête)