The Ascension Dispute


Listen to Tanis Ka tell of the recent change among the three realms.

Récompense PNJ

Tanis Ka

"Sunstream" 161 146(164)

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Niveau: n’importe

Quête parent échouée également

Chaine de quête:

Quête relative: Thousands of Years

Suivant: Strange Stirrings

Précédent: Shura Slaughter


Terminer la quête:

Quite a lot has happened recently! Not just the Ascension of many a disciple, and the growth of the Dagos, Fuwa, and Felkin factions, but it sounds like evil has been sturring in the depths of Shuras as well. Shura is about to become a battlefield soon, I warrant. Those Shura Initiates are too many to count, and they're wreaking havoc everywhere they go.
- I must have been training in private for a long time...(Fin de quête)