Shura Slaughter


Slaughter the Shura demons, and report back to Tanis Ka.

Tuer: Fantassin Shura (143)  montant:50

Tuer: Coquille de bronze (143)  montant:50

Récompense PNJ

Tanis Ka

"Sunstream" 161 146(164)

Quêtes requises

Stats de quête

Niveau: n’importe

Quête parent échouée également

Chaine de quête:

Quête relative: Thousands of Years

Suivant: Shura Slaughter

Précédent: Mysteries of Time


Terminer la quête:

I'm impressed, young &sex1&. Now that you've made it to Elysium, what do you plan to do now?
- Well, is there anything I can do for you?
Now that you mention it, I heard that deep within the Divine Realm resides the Voida. They carry the sixth Heavenly Tome. It's rumored that they have power over time and more, and Shaw Danon has already ascended to the Divine Realm to see if he can revive Bilu. Well? Does that pique your interest?
- Yes! Shaw Danon's managed to free himself from his torment?
Well, no one knows where he is now. He disappeared from Elysium. This is quite another mystery in itself. If you're interested, I recommend you go and ask around.
- I'll do that.(Fin de quête)