Irrita Arhats


Kill some Irrita Arhats, report to Bilu.

Tuer: Irrita Arhat (145)  montant:150

Récompense PNJ


Quêtes requises

Stats de quête

Niveau: n’importe

Quête parent échouée également

Chaine de quête:

Quête relative: Past Is Passed

Suivant: Loneliness

Précédent: Same Goal, Different Means


Terminer la quête:

You are good.
- Why do the Purified Lands have such ferocious monsters?
They are not the local monsters of the Purified Lands, you just eliminated the demon in your heart.
- Ah? My mind...I see! I eventually understand!
You can go to meet Fuwa Lord Tathagata. Remember, do not slack.
- Yes, I will keep making effort.(Fin de quête)