Lay Low


Upon accepting the quest, the Upright Thief will transform you into either a Pengo or a MiuMiu. Making good use of their abilities is crucial to victory. While transformed, you can gather Indigo Celeroot or Nightjade, both meet the requirements of the Upright Thief, who is waiting in your base. Note: Carrying mines will slow you down, make use of the Pengo or MiuMiu's skills to ensure your survival; Make sure to speak with the Upright Thief after mining, this will reduce your opponent's resource quantity. Defeat, disconnection, and quitting will cause the quest to fail, please keep this in mind!

échoué après que le joueur est quitté la zone




Perle Chroma Perle Chroma - 100 Lié

Orbe de raffinerie primaire Orbe de raffinerie primaire - 3 Lié

Fragment d Fragment d'oraison - 5 Lié

Pilule taichi Pilule taichi - 300

Après l’échec de quête

Amélioration: Cancel Slow

Niveau: 1


Upright Thief

Quantité maximale de répétition


Quêtes requises

Stats de quête

Niveau: n’importe

Ne peux être trouvé par recherche

échouée car le joueur est mort

échouée car le joueur est hors ligne

Chaine de quête:

Sous quêtes:

Andddd...transform! (Premiére en ligne) (Quantité de sous quêtes:2)

Pilfering (Quantité de sous quêtes:2)

Full House

Without name


Démarrer la conversation de quête:

You've come just in time, the seal has been broken, it seem that someone failed at synthesizing. I need you to collect the spirit energy here, and distribute it to those that need it. The fountain of energy lies in the mountains to the northwest. I will give you a disguise so you won't be detected by the patrol dogs. Are you ready?
- Yes, I'm ready as ever!(Démarrer la quête)
- Looks quite dangerous, give me time to consider it! (Fin de conversation)