Dragonfang Herb

Price: 1 M / 10 M

Stacked: 999

Pet Training Item
Raises a pet's Fighting Spirit, increasing
its Max Attack and Defense slightly.

Award from quest

Nura's Gift [Event] (60 - 74)

Nura's Gift [Event] (75 - 89)

Nura's Gift [Event] (90 - 104) Amount: 2

Nura's Gift [Event] (105 - 119) Amount: 2

Nura's Gift [Event] (120 - 134) Amount: 3

Nura's Gift [Event] (135+) Amount: 3

Item can be acquired
NPC Required Items

Celebean Celebean (2)

Require special level of school reputation

Jade Exchange Maiden - Sunstream: 216 95

Sunny Jade Sunny Jade (10)

Require special level of school reputation

Pet Master Ellan - Sunstream: 209 42

Pet Master Eikon - Divine Realm: 214 -306

Celebean Celebean (2)

Require special level of school reputation

Pet Master Ellan - Sunstream: 209 42

Pet Master Eikon - Divine Realm: 214 -306

Sunny Jade Sunny Jade (10)

Require special level of school reputation

Item can be exchanged
Require NPC Result

Amount: 40

Require special level of school reputation

Craftsman Tamasi - Sunstream: 176 79

Dragon Dance Herb Dragon Dance Herb

Amount: 40

Amount: 40

Require special level of school reputation

Pet Master Ellan - Sunstream: 209 42

Pet Master Eikon - Divine Realm: 214 -306

Dragon Dance Herb Dragon Dance Herb

Amount: 40