Snowland Ginseng

Price: 1 M / 1 S

Stacked: 10

Auxiliary Pet Training Item
When used alongside a pet skill jade, your
pet will add a new skill to its current
skills, without having to replace an existing skill.
(Can only be used once per pet.)

Award from quest

Without name (0)

Item can be acquired
NPC Required Items

Jade Exchange Maiden - Sunstream: 216 95

Sunny Jade Sunny Jade (588)

Welkin Red Jade Welkin Red Jade (5)

Require special level of school reputation

Pet Master Ellan - Sunstream: 209 42

Pet Master Eikon - Divine Realm: 214 -306

Sunny Jade Sunny Jade (588)

Welkin Red Jade Welkin Red Jade (5)

Require special level of school reputation