Tiger Ice●Lotto

Price: 1 M / 1 G

Disappear after failure

Stacked: 500

The power of a tiger sealed within ice.
Right-click to receive a Tigeren Crystal.

Tigeren Crystal Tigeren Crystal

Amount: 1

Active time/Score: 8H

Item can be acquired
NPC Required Items

Present Merchant - Sunstream: 199 80

Present Merchant - Divine Realm: 262 -451

Tiger Ice Tiger Ice

Require special level of school reputation

Jade Exchange Maiden - Sunstream: 216 95

Sunny Jade Sunny Jade (10)

Require special level of school reputation

Item can be exchanged
Require NPC Result

Amount: 5

Require special level of school reputation

Present Merchant - Sunstream: 199 80

Present Merchant - Divine Realm: 262 -451

Yuna Potion Yuna Potion

Amount: 5

Amount: 10

Require special level of school reputation

Present Merchant - Sunstream: 199 80

Present Merchant - Divine Realm: 262 -451

Yuna Orb Yuna Orb

Amount: 10

Amount: 20

Require special level of school reputation

Present Merchant - Sunstream: 199 80

Present Merchant - Divine Realm: 262 -451

Yuna Pill Yuna Pill

Amount: 20

Amount: 2

Require special level of school reputation

Present Merchant - Sunstream: 199 80

Present Merchant - Divine Realm: 262 -451

Lunar Blessing Lunar Blessing

Amount: 2

Amount: 3

Require special level of school reputation

Isamu - Sunstream: 195 88

Striped Dagger Striped Dagger

Amount: 3