Ancient Music

Type: Esper Tome

Part of Complete set "Melodic Conch Set"

Required Level: 15

Price: 1 S / 1 G

※ Attuned Agar level +1

Stacked: 1

Award from quest

Memorial (0)

Hero's Course (30+)

Hero's Course (45+)

Hero's Course (0)

Hero's Course (0)

Hero's Course (0)



1: +11

2: +39

3: +81

4: +132

5: +190

6: +250

7: +311

8: +372

9: +430

10: +486

11: +540

12: +591

13: +641

14: +792

15: +946

16: +1205

17: +1474

18: +1756

19: +1955

20: +2676

Item can be acquired
NPC Required Items

Ronnek - Sunstream: 184 66

Treasure Urn Treasure Urn

Require special level of school reputation