JD II·Seeking Hegemony

Required Level: 90

Price: 0 / 0

Disappear after failure

Stacked: 1

A common wooden chest that
contains many useful items.
It can be opened every 5 levels
for more items as you level up.

Right-click to obtain the following:

Multi-Ride Mount (7 days) x1
Reviviscence Dew x1
Perfect Remedy Orb x999
Perfect Spirit Potion x999
Meditation Orb x5
Bound Heart of the Moon x1
Bound Kylin Orb x2
Townportal Charm x5

Chimera Aomo Chimera Aomo

Amount: 1 Bind

Active time/Score: 7 days

Revival Potion Revival Potion

Amount: 1 Bind

Perfect Remedy Orb Perfect Remedy Orb

Amount: 999

Perfect Spirit Potion Perfect Spirit Potion

Amount: 999

Meditation Orb Meditation Orb

Amount: 5

Heart of the Moon Heart of the Moon

Amount: 1 Bind

Kylin Orb Kylin Orb

Amount: 2

Portal Scroll Portal Scroll

Amount: 5

Given after using item
Name Level Active time/Score
JD II·Seeking Hegemony JD II·Seeking Hegemony (75) 75 -