JD II·Fresh Air

Required Level: 90

Price: 0 / 0

Disappear after failure

Stacked: 1

A common wooden chest that
contains many useful items.
It can be opened every 5 levels
for more items as you level up.

Right-click to obtain the following:

Reviviscence Dew x1
Perfect Remedy Orb x999
Bound Heart of the Moon x1
Townportal Charm x5

Revival Potion Revival Potion

Amount: 1 Bind

Perfect Remedy Orb Perfect Remedy Orb

Amount: 999

Heart of the Moon Heart of the Moon

Amount: 1 Bind

Portal Scroll Portal Scroll

Amount: 5

Given after using item
Name Level Active time/Score
JD II·Fresh Air JD II·Fresh Air (75) 75 -