JD II·End of War

Required Level: 45

Price: 0 / 0

Disappear after failure

Stacked: 1

A common wooden chest that
contains many useful items.
It can be opened every 5 levels
for more items as you level up.

Right-click to obtain the following:

Skyblade (7 day time limit) x1
Tigeren Crystalx1 (2 hours)
Celemiracle Dewx1
Celewonder Beanx1
Universal Coinx50

JD II·End of War JD II·End of War

Amount: 1 Bind

Skyblade Scroll Skyblade Scroll

Amount: 1 Bind

Active time/Score: 7 days

Tiger Ice Tiger Ice

Amount: 1 Bind

Active time/Score: 2H

Celemiracle Dew Celemiracle Dew

Amount: 1 Bind

Celewonder Bean Celewonder Bean

Amount: 1 Bind

Universal Coin Universal Coin

Amount: 50

Given after using item
Name Level Active time/Score
JD II·End of War JD II·End of War (30) 30 -