Helm of Scavenger♀

Type: Lupin


Defense +39

Requires 2

Required Level: 60

Gender: female

Price: 40 S / 100 G

Paralyze RES +15

Silence RES +23

Stacked: 1



1: +48

2: +112

3: +208

4: +320

5: +413

6: +512

7: +616

8: +725

9: +837

10: +954

11: +1074

12: +1265

13: +1463

14: +1733

15: +2012

16: +2305

17: +2547

18: +3132

19: +3746

20: +4390

Item can be crafted
Recipe Materials

[60]Helm of Scavenger♀

Level: 4

Lunarshade Band♀ Lunarshade Band♀

Yasho Hide Yasho Hide

Shootingstar Jade Shootingstar Jade