●Farland Spirit Helm♂

Type: Forta

Part of Complete set "●Farland Spirit Set♂"


Defense +97

Required Faction: Forta

Requires 3

Required Level: 90

Gender: Male

Price: 0 / 0

(hidadd) Accuracy +72. Rate - 8%

(hidadd) Spirit +10%. Rate - 10%

Stacked: 1

Award from quest

Revisiting Old Leng (0)



1: +110

2: +257

3: +478

4: +736

5: +991

6: +1282

7: +1606

8: +1963

9: +2353

10: +2773

11: +3224

12: +3784

13: +4372

14: +5069

15: +5792

16: +6542

17: +7239

18: +8360

19: +9537

20: +10773

Item can be acquired
NPC Required Items


Forta Agent - Divine Realm: 434 -294

Honor Gem Honor Gem (35)

Require special level of school reputation