●Ironmelt Boots♀

Type: Incense

Part of Complete set "●Ironmelt Set♀"


Defense +57

Required Faction: Incense

Requires 3

Required Level: 90

Gender: female

Price: 0 / 0

(hidadd) Evasion +48. Rate - 8%

(hidadd) Health +10%. Rate - 10%

Stacked: 1

Award from quest

Revisiting Old Leng (0)



1: +137

2: +321

3: +597

4: +920

5: +1239

6: +1602

7: +2008

8: +2454

9: +2941

10: +3467

11: +4030

12: +4730

13: +5465

14: +6336

15: +7241

16: +8178

17: +9048

18: +10450

19: +11922

20: +13467

Item can be acquired
NPC Required Items

Agent Yungu Chen - Sunstream: 97 69

Honor Gem Honor Gem (35)

Require special level of school reputation