Essence Storm Shoes♂

Type: Jadeon


Defense +68

Requires 4

Required Level: 120

Gender: Male

Price: 2 G 16 S / 100 G

Health +7%

(hidadd) Spirit +235. Rate - 3%

(hidadd) Accuracy +20. Rate - 5%

Stacked: 1

Award from quest

Marvellous Treasure (30+)

Jadeon Gear 8 (120+)



1: +105

2: +246

3: +458

4: +705

5: +1014

6: +1377

7: +1794

8: +2263

9: +2783

10: +3352

11: +3969

12: +4631

13: +5437

14: +6283

15: +7268

16: +8288

17: +9340

18: +10322

19: +11402

20: +12590

Drop from
# Name Level Map Coordinates HP %
1 Armored Mercenary 117 Cave of Ancient Tales-276 350 12599 0.03
2 Armored Mercenary Guard 117 Cave of Ancient Tales-259 218 12599 0.03
3 Giant Bat 117 -- 12599 0.03
4 Ingenua Agu 120 Cave of Ancient Tales-278 284 13322 0.03
5 Spring Fount 120 Cave of Ancient Tales-453 334 13322 0.03