Essence Arcanerealm Shoes♂

Type: Skysong


Defense +100

Requires 5

Required Level: 144

Gender: Male

Price: 5 G / 100 G

Health +7%

(hidadd) Spirit +315. Rate - 5%

(hidadd) Accuracy +30. Rate - 7%

Stacked: 1

Award from quest

Cherished Treasure (30+)



1: +165

2: +385

3: +715

4: +1100

5: +1579

6: +2141

7: +2780

8: +3493

9: +4275

10: +5120

11: +6022

12: +6974

13: +8068

14: +9194

15: +10445

16: +11708

17: +12975

18: +14133

19: +15406

20: +16806

Drop from
# Name Level Map Coordinates HP %
1 Alabaster Spirit 139 Kunlun Wonderland-11 17 19377 0.03
2 Anothan 150 -- 19377 0.03
3 Anothan (Human) 150 Royal City24 -936 19377 0.03
4 Cursing Ghostslave 150 Royal City117 611 19377 0.03
5 Deer Protector 150 -- 300000 0.03
6 Deer Protector 150 -- 300000 0.03
7 Deer Protector 150 -- 300000 0.03
8 Deer Protector 150 -- 300000 0.03
9 Deer Protector 150 -- 300000 0.03
10 Delirium Gatekeeper 147 Palace of Purgatory142 -5 24302 0.03
11 Ethereal Dragon 150 -- 201024 0.03
12 Farseer 143 Palace of Purgatory-107 -279 20867 0.03
13 Flood Smasher 150 Royal City-248 -883 19377 0.03
14 Frantal Lizard 150 Royal City-109 181 20867 0.03
15 Grieving Minister 139 Palace of Purgatory-319 -40 19377 0.03
16 Haunted Concubine 139 Palace of Purgatory-255 -45 19377 0.03
17 Heavy Sword Guardian 150 Kunlun Wonderland-225 -65 31197 0.03
18 Heavy Sword Guardian 150 Moontop Hollow-101 36 31197 0.03
19 Ignoble Knight 147 Palace of Purgatory141 -15 24302 0.03
20 Illusion Wickar 150 Royal City24 535 20867 0.03
21 N/A三界090怪物01 100 -- 26373 0.03
22 N/A三界测试怪物01 150 -- 31197 0.03
23 N/A三界测试怪物02 150 -- 31197 0.03
24 Onyxian Immortal 143 Kunlun Wonderland-207 24 20867 0.03
25 Python 150 Dragon Mountain98 -263 500000 0.03
26 Redlotus Fire 150 Royal City-393 -517 19377 0.03
27 Resentful Servant 143 Palace of Purgatory47 -159 20867 0.03
28 Sanguine Immortal 143 Kunlun Wonderland-207 35 20867 0.03
29 Scaling Dragon 150 Royal City-74 -834 20867 0.03
30 Soul Mirror 139 Kunlun Wonderland3 42 19377 0.03
31 Thunder Spirit 143 Kunlun Wonderland-427 134 20867 0.03
32 Town Portal (Athan) 150 -- 19377 0.03
33 Town Portal (Human) 150 Royal City24 -936 19377 0.03
34 Tree man 150 Dragon Mountain99 -301 201024 0.03
35 Bestial Splithoof 143 Moontop Hollow-110 -131 139110 0.0249
36 Firewheel Juumo 147 Moontop Hollow10 -203 162010 0.0249
37 Goblin Berserker 143 Moontop Hollow-285 -155 139110 0.0249
38 Lambent Hanyao 139 Moontop Hollow-152 -144 129180 0.0249
39 Mohu Voidtread 147 Moontop Hollow-431 -206 162010 0.0249
40 Roaming Demon 143 Moontop Hollow-81 -130 139110 0.0249
41 Soulless Void 147 Moontop Hollow38 -162 162010 0.0249
42 Tianmo Ghoul 139 Moontop Hollow-159 -145 129180 0.0249