Essence Solemn Helm♀

Type: Rayan


Defense +86

Requires 4

Required Level: 105

Gender: female

Price: 1 G 47 S / 100 G

Spirit +4%

(hidadd) Health +206. Rate - 3%

(hidadd) Defense +17. Rate - 5%

Stacked: 1

Award from quest

Exquisite Treasure (30+)

Rayan Scythe 7 (105+)



1: +70

2: +163

3: +304

4: +468

5: +661

6: +881

7: +1129

8: +1402

9: +1701

10: +2025

11: +2372

12: +2743

13: +3218

14: +3718

15: +4324

16: +4955

17: +5613

18: +6220

19: +6887

20: +7620

Drop from
# Name Level Map Coordinates HP %
1 Cadaver Pet 113 Cave of Ancient Tales-372 180 12315 0.0398
2 Wandering Corpse 113 Cave of Ancient Tales-348 164 12315 0.0398