Sharp Sting Charm

Type: Charm

Unique (1002)

Required Level: 45

Price: 10 S / 5 G

Health +240

Spirit +60

Shimmer level +1

Stacked: 1

Item can be crafted
Recipe Materials

Sharp Sting Recipe

Level: 1

Sharp Sting Metal Sharp Sting Metal

Sharp Sting·Wood Sharp Sting·Wood

Sharp Sting·Water Sharp Sting·Water

Sharp Sting·Fire Sharp Sting·Fire

Sharp Sting·Earth Sharp Sting·Earth

Item can be acquired
NPC Required Items

Elder of Arcaneness - Jadeon: 4 -433

Arcane Bullion Arcane Bullion (150)

Arcane Coin Arcane Coin (175)

Require special level of school reputation