Mystic Redsoul Stone

Price: 1 M / 10 M

Stacked: 999

A stone of celestial mystery.
Can be exchanged with Old Leng
in Sunstream City for other treasures.

Award from quest

Without name (0 - 74)

Without name (0 - 74)

Without name (0 - 74)

Without name (75+)

Without name (75+)

Without name (75+)

Adventure Pack (1+) Amount: 10

Used in quests
Name Level Amount Monster/Type
Mystic Redsoul 0 1 Required to start quest
Mystic Redsoul 0 1 required to end quest
Mystic Yellafairy 0 1 Required to start quest
Item can be crafted
Recipe Materials

Mystic Redsoul Stone

Level: 9

Fragra Jasper Fragra Jasper

Amount: 5

Jaspeen Stone Jaspeen Stone

Amount: 5

Given after using item
Name Level Active time/Score
New Year Gift Box New Year Gift Box (1) 1 -
Item can be acquired
NPC Required Items

Shady Dealer - Sunstream: 212 69

Arcane Bullion Arcane Bullion (2)

Arcane Coin Arcane Coin (2)

Require special level of school reputation


Worker Star Worker Star (2)

Require special level of school reputation

Shaw Danon

Thick Daw Essence Thick Daw Essence (2)

Require special level of school reputation