□Scion·Helmet of Meditation♀

Type: Skysong

Part of Complete set "□Scion·Meditation Set♀"


Defense +160

Spirit +1280

Requires 5

Required Level: 151

Gender: female

Price: 0 / 0

Health +10%

Skill Accuracy +9.0

(hidadd) Stun RES +133. Rate - 9%

(hidadd) Paralyze RES +133. Rate - 10%

(hidadd) Spirit +27%. Rate - 11%

Stacked: 1



1: +457

2: +978

3: +1760

4: +2607

5: +4401

6: +8944

7: +12202

8: +16860

9: +21568

10: +29014

11: +36495

12: +46778

13: +59779

14: +75568

15: +94050

16: +115228

17: +139006

18: +165856

19: +195463

20: +227822

Item can be crafted
Recipe Materials

Upgrade Item

Level: 0

□Hat of Discreetness♀ □Hat of Discreetness♀

□Scion·Eternal Scripture·Helm □Scion·Eternal Scripture·Helm

Used in craft for following items
Recipe Item

Upgrade Item

□Gaian·Helmet of Tranquility♀ □Gaian·Helmet of Tranquility♀