Shrewd Flycanopy Robe♀

Type: Psychea

Part of Complete set "Shrewd Flycanopy Set♀"


Defense +277

Requires 3

Required Level: 90

Gender: female

Price: 99 S / 100 G

Defense +29

(hidadd) Accuracy +27. Rate - 3%

(hidadd) Damage Reduction 35. Rate - 5%

Stacked: 1

Award from quest

Faction Rewards(90) (90+)

Faction Rewards (90+)

LV.90 Ekin (90+)



1: +9

2: +23

3: +42

4: +66

5: +99

6: +142

7: +194

8: +256

9: +327

10: +408

11: +499

12: +599

13: +708

14: +824

15: +947

16: +1077

17: +1211

18: +1348

19: +1498

20: +1663

Item can be acquired
NPC Required Items

Psychea Agent Mengfu

Honor Gem Honor Gem (15)

Require special level of school reputation