Wild Crystalblink Boots♀

Type: Psychea

Part of Complete set "Wild Crystalblink Set♀"


Defense +110

Requires 5

Required Level: 144

Gender: female

Price: 5 G / 100 G

Health +7%

(hidadd) Attack Power +136. Rate - 7%

(hidadd) Stun RES +50. Rate - 5%

Stacked: 1



1: +236

2: +552

3: +1026

4: +1579

5: +2141

6: +2780

7: +3493

8: +4275

9: +5120

10: +6022

11: +6974

12: +8068

13: +9194

14: +10445

15: +11708

16: +12975

17: +14133

18: +15770

19: +17488

20: +19291

Item can be acquired
NPC Required Items

Celessence Bead Celessence Bead (50)

Require special level of school reputation