Neonwind Helm♂

Type: Lupin


Defense +81

Requires 4

Required Level: 105

Gender: Male

Price: 1 G 47 S / 100 G

Defense +35

Stacked: 1



1: +99

2: +231

3: +429

4: +661

5: +881

6: +1129

7: +1402

8: +1701

9: +2025

10: +2372

11: +2743

12: +3218

13: +3718

14: +4324

15: +4955

16: +5613

17: +6220

18: +7257

19: +8345

20: +9487

Item can be crafted
Recipe Materials

[105]Neonwind Helm♂

Level: 7

Hairband of Sorrow♂ Hairband of Sorrow♂

Yasho Essence Yasho Essence

Oldspecia Armor Oldspecia Armor

Item can be acquired
NPC Required Items

Stone Crystal Stone Crystal (250)

Oldspecia Armor Oldspecia Armor (2)

Require special level of school reputation