Sinless Robe♀

Type: Skysong


Defense +612

Requires 5

Required Level: 135

Gender: female

Price: 3 G 34 S / 100 G

Paralyze RES +38

Silence RES +34

Stacked: 1



1: +16

2: +37

3: +69

4: +107

5: +155

6: +216

7: +290

8: +379

9: +486

10: +612

11: +760

12: +930

13: +1127

14: +1350

15: +1605

16: +1892

17: +2214

18: +2574

19: +2970

20: +3405

Item can be crafted
Recipe Materials

[135]Sinless Robe♀

Level: 9

Cassock of Force♀ Cassock of Force♀

Yasho Blood Yasho Blood

Shura Scale Shura Scale