The Path to Fine Dining


To make Golden Roasted Wings, you need Carrion Keepers' Wings and Rootless Flames from Flare Beasts. Bring these ingredients back to Lang, and he will show you how to cook them.

Item: Carrion Keeper Carrion Keeper's Wing   Amount:3

Drop from: Carrion Keeper (90)  Rate:30.00%

Item: Rootless Flame Rootless Flame   Amount:3

Drop from: Flare Beast (94)  Rate:30.00%



Rootless Flame Rootless Flame - 3

Carrion Keeper Carrion Keeper's Wing - 3

Award NPC


"Incense Valley" -111 -66(66)

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: Any

Also fail parent quest

Quests in chain:

Finishing Quest:

Now that you have the ingredients, you can start cooking them. You first need to alternate between making the Rootless Flame big and small in order to lock in the flavor and smell. You have to be careful with your timing. Now, show me your cooking skills! Right-click to use the Rootless Flame to make Golden Roasted Wings for Lang.
- I understand.(End quest)