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Copper Block Copper Block - 50

White Silk White Silk - 50

Coarse Cloth Coarse Cloth - 50

Rough Hide Rough Hide - 50

Gear Pack Gear Pack

Talisman of Craft Talisman of Craft - 10

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: Any

Finish chain

Also fail parent quest

Quests in chain:

Parent Quest: Lucky Hand

Next: Box II

Prev: Box IV


Finishing Quest:

Good luck means good character!
- I understand.(End quest)
World chat message: For successfully defending Fort Cloudstorm, the Cloudstorm Governor rewards $name 50 Copper Blocks, 50 White Silk, 50 Coarse Cloth, 50 Rough Hides, 1 Outfit Bag, and 10 Talismans of Craft!