Honor of Modo


In the most recent Hall of Excellence, you were listed 6th-10th on the Modo Honor List. Find the Elder of Mystery in Sunstream to receive your rewards.



Talisman of Craft Talisman of Craft - 5


Elder's Servant

"Sunstream" 239 286(186)

Require quests

Quest Stats

Level: 250+

Require special title


Starting Quest Talk:

You're listed in the latest Hall of Excellence, and a reward is ready for you. But your Honor Value will be diminished to get the reward. You may think it over.
- I'll take my reward.(Start Quest)
- Let me think it over. (End dialog)

Finishing Quest:

I've been expecting you! This award can only be earned by an especially united Clan like yours. Here, please take it.
- Got it.(End quest)